There are several ways you can give to Redeemer Church.
Give during our weekly Worship Gathering.
[You are able to give your offering during the service as well as an offering box located in the lobby.]Mail a check to Redeemer's Office at 177 Bonita Parkway, Hendersonville, TN 37075.
[If you're giving to the Benevolence Fund, be sure to write “Benevolence Fund” in the memo line.]Give online using the button below.
[If you're giving to the Benevolence Fund, be sure to select “Benevolence Fund” for the gift.]
Gifts can be designated towards one of four different funds.
Redeemer General Fund
Benevolence Fund
Redeemer on Mission
Our Shared Future - Building Campaign
Note: You can continue to give to the Redeemer Church Benevolence Fund. All giving to this fund will be used to help meet the needs of those who are experiencing financial crises with priority given to Redeemer families. Thanks to your giving, we have been able to assist families in times of job loss, with housing costs, medical expenses, counseling needs, and other challenging situations.
All gifts to this fund are tax deductible. To the many of you who have been and continue to give, we want to say thank you for how you love one another.
It is our desire to be proactive in helping meet needs that arise. If you have questions about the fund, or if you find yourself in a time of need, please contact our Associate Pastor, Austin Shaver. He will be glad to answer any questions you may have.