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This is the primary way to connect with Redeemer Church. Join us on Sunday mornings for one of our three Worship Gatherings at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.

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These groups work through books of the Bible, tackle books on Christian topics, and address subjects designed to deepen your faith. We offer Discipleship Studies during all Worship Gatherings on Sunday mornings.


Redeemer holds special gatherings (e.g. Covenant Gatherings, Prayer Gatherings, men’s events, women’s events, etc.) throughout the year. Visit our calendar to discover our next upcoming gathering.

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To speak with a pastor at Redeemer Church, email pastor@redeemertn.org

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These are informal gatherings designed to pursue connection, care, and discipleship together.

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This class is the first step in pursuing church membership. If you are interested in attending the next New Member Class, send us an email.