How We Worship

  • How does Redeemer Church worship?
    Our Worship Gatherings are God-focused, congregational, liturgical, and celebrate the hope we have through the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

  • What should I expect?
    The purpose of each Worship Gathering—which lasts approximately 75 minutes—is to hear and celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Worship Gatherings are formative in nature with a few basic elements: prayers, singing, confessions, Scripture reading, preaching, celebrating the Lord’s Supper, and baptism. 

  • Do children attend Worship Gatherings?
    Yes! All children kindergarten and up join youth and adults for one of the Worship Gatherings and attend Sunday School during another. Infants - pre-K may attend Sunday School during one or both Worship Gatherings.

  • Where can I learn the songs Redeemer sings?
    Visit here to find a playlist of songs we sing regularly, songs we are learning, and the “Songs for Sunday,” which lists the songs we will sing at each upcoming Worship Gathering.

  • What does a typical Sunday look like?
    Please visit our Sunday Schedule page for more details.